Matters regarding legislation application in the sphere of protection of an intellectual property;
Control of intellectual property objects’ protection;
Registration of trade-marks, service marks, places of origin and patenting the inventions (useful models, industrial inventions) both in Russia and foreign
Inclusion of trade marks in the Customs register of objects of intellectual property;
Legal support of the trade marks registered in the Customs register of objects of intellectual property;
Protection of authors and neighbouring rights;
Preparation of contracts for transfer of rights on intellectual property objects and other contracts which are concerned with creating and using of intellectual
property objects and also registration of such contracts if it is approved by the law;
Working up other contracts which concern making and using of intellectual property objects and also registration such contracts if it’s necessary by law;
Preparation and filing of applications and objections to the Chamber of Patent Disputes;
Legal and pre-trial protection of intellectual property objects rights, preparation and analysis of all necessary documents.
If a Client will our Company implements legal support for the business of the company in terms of subscription.